Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Flashback 2013

2013..hmm.. what a year it is,oops i mean WAS. Time flies without us being aware of and time is slipping through our fingers . Unbelievably I am going to be 19 this year 2014. 19 ! oh my gosh i can still recall back during my childhood time whenever i see a big sister in college i will think wow this jie jie is so big ! never had it crossed my mind that it will be my turn so soon. And remember those days we just can't wait to grow up ? well now i just hope that i can STOP growing up. 

Not only the undoubtedly physical changes exp:wrinkles , white hair, pain in the joints etc is holding me back from growing up but the fact that growing up makes us see things more clearly and not to mention reveal ourselves to the cruelity of living . Being happy is getting harder in the journey of growing up . we don't get easily satisfied for what we have and we always want MORE. Remember those days when i was a kid , an ice cream , a vitagen , a barbie doll,cutting my barbie's hair ,having a toy phone and even playing "cooking" all by my own can make my day :) just ...all these little things can be a pleasure of life . 

Well, i should stop being so pessimistic . i mean its so not me XD haha growing up have its pros and cons though :) such as, growing up is CHALLENGING ! you get to try those amazing things that you've never imagine you will be doing , discover ,gaining experience and being mature :) 2013 was definitely an important and significant year that will never lose its place in my memory ..

2013. a year with mixture of joy and sorrow and the year i've learnt that itstime for me to grow up.Behold dear readers, here's my story named 2013.*drums rolling * 

In the beginning of 2013, i went for National Service which i never had thought i will be going in my whole life . However i never regret for doing so. Exclude those sleepless, homesick and torturing nighst during the first week ,that 3 months was fun and exciting . first, i get to meet a lot of friends from different race, state and family backgrounds it was indeed new for me .

after coming back from NS, i've been a Princess at home for a few weeks before i stepped on a journey, i mean vacation *coz journey sounds too formal :0*to....................................
and my first ever visit to..

Tokyo Disneyland !!! omo just realised i still havent uploaded the pictures .
Right after i came back from Japan , without enough time for me to harvest my "loot", i headed to 

it was a 360 degree change from my previous schooling life with me changing to art stream and with me being the only chinese in my class. It was undeniably torturing and hard for me to adapt during the 1st months . i coudn't remember how many times i've actually cried and begging my mum to bring me home for A levels . But eventually i juts ADAPTED myself without having a choice . Well, since everyone can cope with it , why not me ? its not like i am going to be stuck there forever ,Just oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee looooooooooong yearrrrrr ahead :) and yes ! i met a bunch of crazy fellas there and my caring classmates .

and I actually performed traditional chinese dance :0

i spent the rest of my 2013 peacefully BORING in KMNS. until....
one of my best friend got sick :( its my first encounter of best buddy falling sick and honestly i hate it.
Get well soon and i believe she can do it :) coz she's a nike fan haha JUST DO IT !
and my 18th birthday which was held during my Semester 1 EXAM . G.R.E.A.T
My belated birthday version  haha
 and my first KTM ride! speaking the truth , i thought that KTM was a kind of bus initially and i was so shocked when i realized i was being dropped at a train komuter station ! however the first impression was a few thumbs up ! coz they just changed a new Komuter a year before. and it was wayyyyyy better than what i had in my mind about public transports in Malaysia haha ^^
First pic taken on the KTM with shao en .
there's more!! i actually got some achievements in the competitions i've joined and believe it or not its  peringkat negeri haha state level :0 W.O.W i could,t believe it myself either haha
mine was the right top corner sketch.

and my scrabble competition
 not to forget , I've learnt to DRIVE !!! haha beware of my car and make sure you do not honk me coz the truth is , i scold and curse a lot while driving 
 its giving myself a pat in my back time..

summing up everything , 2013 had quite a lot of cherry pop-ed and more to come :) looking forward to 2014 !


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