Friday, May 10, 2013

Hello BLOG !

I've recently stumbled upon some awesome blogs and it really builds up an enthusiasm inside me to blog more . There's is just so many benefits you can obtain through blogging
1) Diary
    Blogging really helps us to remember all those awesome moments and even those simple tiny little incidents in our life more detailed than what we write in our diary . And of course writing with your hands are quite tiring compared to "fingers exercising" ( typing on keyboard ) u can type a thousand or even a million words without having the sore feeling in your wrist , amd yet we dont have to worry about the amount of ink left in your pen :) and oh yea , its eco friendly coz we dont use papers haha .

2) Language skills
   The main point ! improve our writing skills , grammar and vocabulary . You know , i've been officially rotten at home for 3 months and still counting on :( I couldnt recall when was the last time i actually wrote an essay .... lets see.. i think its during SPM english paper last year ! GrEaT ! I felt a little guilty reading people's blog because i kinda adore how they fluently blog about anything and everything ! ow.. and their vocab.. i even have to google it for the meaning . what a failure right !

3)Store Pictures
   This ! haha ! i've always worried about storage problem because i can be quite "stingy" when it comes to storage 1 MB for me is like 1 GB and i am not willing for it to take up space in my hard disc although my hard disc have 32 GB which its kinda impossible for it to be full. "full" i dont even think its the right word to describe a hard disc .. haih.. English..english . so yeah using a DSLR , u basically take as many pictures as you can . I remember once i took about 10 pictures of the same flower haha the shutter button is so tempting that makes me wanna click it all the time . but now i get a little tired of DSLR .coz its big ,heavy and still HEAVY !haha ! so now my babe S3 is my fav camera 1<3 nbsp="" p="">
4) Utilize my time
   what i do these days -- sleep, eat , online, watch dramas,eat,stalk,sleep ...Zzz.. a bit of hyperbola i think i have finished exploring the INTERNET . coz i totally can't manage to find anything to do online ! facebook, youtube can sometimes be boring .So i said to myself why not blogging ? you can write anything you want and its more beneficial than facebooking . AGREED !

So.... here i am , sitting in my room blogging with my new INCREDIBLY AWESOME laptop ( toshiba M840 ) and its blue in colour :) <3 ..="" blogging="" enough="" enthusiasm="" happy="" hope="" i="" last="" long="" my="" nbsp="" p="" then="" till="">

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