Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Matriculation in Malaysia (Matrikulasi)

Well, i remember last year during may, i was facing a tough time in making a life changing decision for my further studies. I was caught in a dilemma between matriculation,STPM or A-levels. After searching online,asking seniors and of course after discussing with all my friends . I've decided to go for matriculation which i did not regret,well for now . One sole disadvantage of taking matriculation is you can't take control of your own choice .Like what i am facing now. everything is still uncertain and now i am "rotting" at home waiting for the interviews from IPTAs and that's not it,even getting an interview doesn't assure you in getting the course you preferred . It all depends on luck is all i can say for now. Despite all those, matriculation still bring a whole lot of benefits !!

FIRST ! you get monthly allowance of RM250 and for bursary students ,around RM500 !! wow !!that certainly is a big burden off your parent's shoulder !

Next ! experiencing boarding school life . Most non-bumi out there like me ,have never tried out boarding schools. This is the opportunity guys !!! My parents actually say they were less worried about me compared to my sister who is studying in KL. =.= well i couldn't agree more .for my matriculation which was held in Negeri Sembilan (KMNS) is located in a small town called Kuala Pilah a.k.a the driest region in Malaysia :0 but no worries, kuala pilah is not that DRY or HOT. I mean I never faced any severe water shortage living there for onelooooong year . And i am staying in C4 which is on top of a small hill .Trust me , you definitely need your blanket sleeping at night.Its super cold especially during rainy days,I even wore jacket and socks sometimes. BUT during the afternoon..HAHAHA you feel like burning in hell !okay i am just being exaggerate .

Here are some picture of  my life in Kolej Matrikulasi Negeri Sembilan KMNS
                                                                  My classmates A4P4
                                                            Ping Pong competition
                                                   during hari penghargaan thingy haha
                                                        Jamuan at my monitor's house :)

                                                       the "Sakura" season in KMNS
                                         Dewan Serbaguna "DSG" all the events wil be held here. trust me, it is very very extremely horiibly HOT in there :0 but who cares. haha as long as there is wifi access

                                            The Pengarah of KMNS
                                            Ma best buddy in Kuliah <3 a="" her="" lot="" miss="" p="">
                                                             Tutorial class
                                                                     Punjabi day
                                                                       Dewan Kuliah

                                                             *Off* sorry too lazy haha feel free to ask me about matriculation :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi!! er.. I am a student that just entered KMNS not long ago. My room is in C4 as well..wing B. I saw a scribble on my table that writes "Amanda loves Yu Ting". By any chance, was it you who wrote it? :o :o
